FIND OUT | o que significa esse phrasal verb?
O que significa FIND OUT? Qual o significado de FIND OUT? Qual a tradução de FIND OUT em português?
Se você gosta de assistir a filmes e seriados, certamente já percebeu que esse phrasal verb aparece muito no inglês, não é mesmo?
Portanto, chegou a hora de você aprende o que ele significa e também como usá-lo corretamente em inglês.
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» Leia e Ouça: Phrasal Verbs: Entenda e Aprenda Tudo Sobre Eles
Find Out | significado
The very first thing to learn is that this is one of the most common phrasal verbs in English. So, you definitely have to learn how to use it.
The good news about this phrasal verb is that there isn’t much secret to make use of it. It’s pretty easy!
Basically speaking, it’s meaning is “discover”. That means that you can use one or the other without changing the meaning of what you want to say. So, both sentences below are correct:
- We have to find out what he’s up to. (A gente tem de descobrir o que ele está aprontando.)
- We have to discover what he’s up to.
Although they mean the same thing, keep in mind that the use of a phrasal verb is much more common than the use of a one-word verb. So, in this case here, remember that the phrasal verb must be your number one option when speaking to someone.
Examples and Collocations
Now that you know it’s meaning, let’s see how to put it in some sentences and find collocations.
- Then they can find out exactly what is contaminating the water. (Então, poderão descobrir o que exatamente está contaminando a água.)
- Find out exactly what your parents want you to do. (Descubra certinho o que seus pais querem fazer.)
- I don’t know how we’ll ever find out what happened. (Eu não sei como vamos descobrir o que aconteceu.)
- No one wants to find out what happened more than I do. (Ninguém, mais do que eu, quer descobrir o que aconteceu.)
- We will never find out the truth about that. (A gente nunca vai descobrir a verdade sobre isso.)
- I need to find out the truth about everything. (Eu preciso descobrir a verdade sobre tudo.)
- Do whatever you can to find out the truth. (Faça o que for preciso para descobrir a verdade.)
- We have to find out whether or not he’s coming to the party. (A gente tem de descobrir se ele vai vir para a festa ou não.)
- Tomorrow, we’ll find out whether that’s true. (Amanhã, a gente vai descobrir se isso é verdade.)
The underlined combinations of words in the examples above are all very common collocation with this phrasal verb. So, jot them down on your lexical notebook and make up sentences with it.
More examples
Let’s keep learning with other examples using our phrasal verb.
- Find out everything you can about this guy. (Descubra tudo o que você puder sobre esse cara.)
- I found out they didn’t tell the truth. (Descobri que eles não disseram a verdade.)
- They are afraid to find out the world isn’t how they want it to be. (Eles temem descobrir que o mundo não como eles querem que seja.)
- I got really disappointed when I found out they weren’t coming to the party. (Eu fiquei bastante chateada quando descobri que elas não iam vir para a festa.)
- She found out he was cheating on her. So, she filed for divorce. (Ela descobriu que ele estava traindo ela. Por isso, ela entrou com o pedido de divórcio.)
I guess you realized that in the last sentence I said “found out”. And why was that? Because it’s the past tense of “find out”.
One more thing to learn
And another thing you have to pay attention to is that you can use the phrasal verb “find out” with words like “where”, why”, “how”, “when”. For example, you can say,
- ~ who (descobrir quem)
- ~ how (descobrir como)
- ~ why (descobrir porque)
- ~ when (descobrir quando)
- ~ where (descobrir onde)
Let’s listen to a couple of examples with this:
- You have to find out when she’s coming here. (Você tem de descobrir quando ela virá aqui.)
- We found out what was going on and told mom. (A gente descobriu o que estava acontecendo e contou pra mamãe.)
- Let’s find out how much all this is going to cost. (Vamos descobrir quanto isso tudo vai custar.)
To sum it up
As you can see, there isn’t much secret to use this phrasal verb. All you have to do is to start using it whenever you have the chance to. Every time you feel like using the word “discover” remember that you can use the phrasal verb find out.
Ok! I guess it’s now time for you to get a pen and a notebook and start writing your own examples with it.
That’s all for today, guys. Bye bye and keep learning!
Great job on keeping us updated! Well done. Thanks a lot Denilson.
Olá Denilso,Amei o podcast!!! I was thinking if I'd found out you before my english would be much better.
Thanks Adiane and Lucia! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)Att.,Denilso de LimaCURTA NOSSA PÁGINA NO FACEBOOK
Excellent explanation. Congratulation!I have a question for you. Many students have problem with IF and WHETHER. Can you give examples how to use them? The same with TO and FOR. I thank you for the explanation.
Hi there Joel,You can find exemples of your questions HERE and HEREHope they help you!BrunaCurta o Inglês na Ponta da Língua no Facebook
Ola denilson alem desses exemplos que vc passou tbm ja vi traducoes como: fiquei sabendo que . I found out that. Traduzir found out that por : fiquei sabendo que esta correto ? Por favor tire essa duvida de mim obrigado.!!!!
I will find out where is him!
it´s just a example.
I guess you should say: I will find out where he is.
Sim está!
Não seria “I found out that Ray has breakfast before his class” ou está correto com “Have”? Obrigado.