Textos em Inglês: We Have a Pope

Cá estamos mais uma vez com um texto em inglês para ampliar o seu vocabulário. Desta vez, eu, prof. Ludimila Cordeiro, compartilho com vocês algo que marcou a história mundial: e eleição do novo papa da Igreja Católica. Há algum tempo atrás, compartilhei aqui um vídeo com uma atividade de listening sobre a renúncia do agora Papa Emérito Bento XVI. Para ver e fazer a atividade, clique aqui.

Hoje, vamos praticar nossa habilidade de leitura enquanto aprendemos um pouco mais sobre quem é esse homem que irá atrair a atenção do mundo nos próximos tempos. Who is the new Pope? Vamos ler e aprender!


Jorge Mario Bergoglio, from Argentina, was elected to be the new leader of the Roman Catholic Church on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. He was the archbishop of Buenos Aires and now as the new Pope he took the name of Francis.

Texto Sobre o Papa em InglêsAn interesting fact is that Bergoglio is the first head of the Catholic Church ever to come from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.

The choice of a 76-year-old cardinal to be the new pope was a surprise considering that it had been assumed that the cardinals would select someone younger. However, they chose a man who is more than qualified for the job, experts account.

The new head of the Catholic Church was born in 1936 and has four siblings, all children of Italian immigrants. In 1958 – when he was only 22 – he started preparing for priesthood. Now, just over 50 years later he will lead the church that once he joined as a young man.

Francis, the son of middle-class Italian immigrants, is known as a humble man who denied himself luxuries. He is said to cook his own meals and take public transportation, which clearly contributed to his reputation for humility. In taking the name Francis, he drew connections to the 13th century St. Francis of Assisi, who saw his calling as trying to rebuild the church in a time of turmoil. It also evokes images of Francis Xavier, one of the 16th century founders of the Jesuit order that is known for its scholarship and outreach.

The remarkably fast conclave brought the first Jesuit to the papacy, electing Pope Francis as the 266th pontiff that will lead the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.

Expand Your Vocabulary

  1. The first head of the Catholic Church = O primeiro líder da Igreja Católica
  2. It had been assumed that = assume-se que (linguagem impessoal, usado para distanciar o autor da informação)
  3. Siblings = irmãos ou irmãs (termo formal usado com mais frequência em textos jornalísticos e científicos)
  4. He started preparing for priesthood = ele começou a preparar-se para o sacerdócio
  5. A humble man = um homem humilde
  6. denied himself luxuries = absteve-se das riquezas
  7. He is said to = Diz-se que ele… (outro tipo de construção impessoal)
  8. Humility = humildade
  9. He drew connections to = ele estabeleceu uma relação com
  10. (…) who saw his calling as = (…) que viu seu chamado de (tentar reconstruir a igreja…)
  11. It also evokes images of = Também desperta lembranças de
  12. the remarkably fast conclave = o rapidíssimo conclave (o notavelmente rápido)

So, how did you like the text? I hope you take some time to read it carefully and notice the interesting chunks that were highlighted. Well, that’s it! See you again next time. I guess you’ll also like the tips below:

  1. Textos em Inglês [coletânea de textos do Inglês na Ponta da Língua]
  2. A Oração do Pai Nosso em Inglês
  3. A Ave Maria em Inglês
  4. O Inglês da Bíblia
  5. Vocabulário Específico: Falando de Igrejas

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