Pergunta: Where are you from?

The tips I write here on Inglês na Ponta da Língua are read by lots of people from many places. It’s really amazing to see readers in places (countries and cities) I’ve never imagined. In 2007, when I started this blog, I had no idea about how well-known it would become. Three years and a half later, I still get amazed by the fact that people really come from so many different places. That’s the reason I have something totally different from the usual posts today.

First, this tip is written in English so that you can practice your English reading (and lexical) skills. Lots of readers ask me to write in English only. I understand that it’d be great and all that stuff; but, most of readers can’t read in English as well as some others can. So, that’s why I tend to write most of the tips in Portuguese. I’m awfully sorry about that, but that’s the whole truth.Second, I want to ask you a favor, if I may. Could you tell me where you are from, please? I mean, could you leave a comment (click here) and write something like “Denilso, I read your English tips from Ananindeua, PA” or “Hey buddy, I’m reading you from London, England” or even “I’m from Lisbon, Portugal“? It doesn’t matter where you are reading me from; I just would like to know, ok? Can I count on you? If so, just CLICK HERE to post your comment.


Last but not least, I want to say thank you to all of you who read this blog. I hope the tips posted here really help you learn, develop, and improve your English Language skills. If you feel like sending suggestions, they will be more than welcome. So, if you’d like to read about something that’s not posted here yet, just let me know and I’ll what I can do, ok?

So, now it’s up to you. Just tell me where you are from and I’ll be really thankful for that. I wish you all a terrific Wednesday. Just post your comment below. See you tomorrow! Take care!

297 Comentários

  1. Hey buddy! I'm from Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. Two years ago I found this blog and it helped me a lot. In that time I wasn't good in English as I am right now. I want to thank you Denilso, your tips was helpful in my english study.

  2. Hi Denilso, I`m from Sao Paulo- SP but I`m currently living in PRAIA GRANDE-SP. Yesterday night I went to a Nobel bookstore over here to ask them about your next new grammar book. I`ve already ordered it because they are not supposed to receive it on a regular basis. I told them they should change their schedule and start having your books so people can buy them easier. Well, I did my marketing job and I hope them to think about it! LOL

  3. Hey Denilso what´s up? Actually we have to thank you for all your help! I read your tips from Jaguariuna SP. And one more time, thanks a lot!

  4. Hello, DenilsonI've started to follow your blog when I was living in Tocantins – Brasil and now I read you from the other side of the Atlantic exactly from the Mediterranean coast in Tunis – Tunisia – Africa.It's amazing how you can learn English even not living in a anglophonic country, but I'm in an environment where people speak English to communicate, they have many expatriates here, that's why. There's no how English is the international language and no matter where you go you will find someone speaking at least the basic of English.Keep going with this great job I really appreciate it.Hellen

  5. Hi, Denilso. I'm from Rio and I'd like to say that your tips are really useful. Thanks for them. Sheyla Callado.

  6. Denilso, I always read your tips from Rio de Janeiro!! Uhuuu! They're great!! =)Sandra Saito.

  7. Hi Denilso,My name is Silvia, I'm Italian but live in Brazil, in Natal – RN.Your blog is really useful to me because every day I get your tips and I learn many interesting things about English language and culture; they're very useful for my Language College. I have your two books and looking forwards your third one. Sorry for any mistakes.I've always wanted to write you some lines, so… That's it!!!Congratulations, Denilso. You're amazing.

  8. Hello Denilso,I read your blog from Brasília, DF. Even though I keep my own blog in English only, the texts I write there are slightly different. However, I do second your opinion – if we take Brazil as a whole we'll see that most people don't have a very good command of the language. There are myriad reasons for such, and you've already written skilfully here about many of these reasons. :)Congrats on your blog and its reach!Henrick

  9. Hi Denilso,how you doing pal?So i read your blog from beatifull Foz do Iguaçu – Paraná.That's it.You work (blog and books) help me a lot.Thank you.

  10. I'm in Finland, but since I lived in Brazil I used to reading the blog to improve my english and I continue here doing the same.

  11. Hi Denilso, I have started to read your blog two months ago. Your tips are wonderful. Júlio Santos, Parnaíba-Piauí

  12. Hello Denilso,I've read your tips from Sertaozinho,SP, Brazil.Thank you. Your tips help me.

  13. Hi Denilso, I live in a little village called Ribeira da Barca, in Santiago Island in Cabo Verde, but this month I'm visiting some brazilian friends in São Paulo. I started reading your blog last year. I didnt know anything about English then your blog was the great guilty by my addiction on learning this language.I know I have a long way to walk and I wish you keep this blog for many years. Thanks a lot. Pedro Costa.

  14. Hi, Denilson. I always read your blog from Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo. Congrats Denilson, you're awesome! tks

  15. Hi denilso..My name's Eric, I'm a Brazilian guy and I'm always learning with U and ur tips..I love this blog, becouse here I found a lot of tips and skills that help me to improve so bad. I'm from Altônia /PR and ever I can I'm here to follow U even in FB, or Twitter..Soon I 'll buy ur new third book, cauze the other ones I've already bought..LOLCongrats and HugsAs Silvinha says "You are amazing"

  16. Hi Denilso.My name is Adriano and I read you from São Caetano do Sul-SP.Regards!

  17. Olá pessoal!!!Eu leio o blog assiduamente de Tangará da Serra, Estado do Mato Grosso. Sou professor de inglês e os posts me ajudaram a melhorar minha aula, bem como minha didática e conhecimento linguístico. Forte abraço a todo!!Eduardo

  18. Hi there – I am following from Houston, TX! Congrats for your site, it is quite nice.

  19. Hi, Denilson!I´m from Franca, state of São Paulo.My´s Paulo Roberto.Congratulation for the blog, emails and the tips!

  20. I found you when I was living in London, until one year ago. Now Im living in Rio de Janeiro again, and Im sincerely thankful about your tips : )

  21. Hey Dude, i´m from Campinas/SP and now i´m living in Rio de Janeiro.see ya.Juliano.

  22. hi denilso,I read you from São Paulo – SP – Brasil, at work every days.Congratulations for your job, it's amazing!!take care 😀

  23. Hi Denilso,My name is Eliana, I'm from São Paulo but I've been living in Contagem-MG for almost 30 years.I studied English here and I've been teaching for many years. I like reading your tips. Actually, I'm interested in everything related to English because it's my job and improving is always good.Come and visit me sometime – you'll like my classroom – it's the cosiest I've ever seen, rsrsrbjim.

  24. Hello Denilso. I'm from Jaú, SP. I've been reading Inglês na Ponta da Língua since 2008, it's been helping a lot, I always send your tips for my students too, they also love it! Thanks for that!!Bye!

  25. Hello, I just read your post, and I´m from Jundiaí – SP. Thank you for your daily tips!

  26. Hi Denilso!!I discovered you blog by a colleague at my job! It's very useful, I use my english all the time to write emails, but unfortunatly I don't speak too much like I wish to.I'm reading you from Campinas-SP, but I live in Indaiatuba-SP.Keep on touch!!Congrulations, ever!! =)Verônica Marques Palevicius

  27. Hi, Denilso!I'm from Novo Hamburgo, RS. I've been teaching English for over 10 years, and now I work at a language center in a university. I started reading your blog early this year (not sure when exactly), and I must thank you for so many nice tips. Also, I really liked your posts on "Qualified Teachers": it brought up some things I had thought about a few months back.Keep up the great work, for you can be sure it's really helpful to a great number of readers.Tight hugs!!

  28. Hey Denilso, I'm reading you from Salvador Ba.I realy like your tips.I think could be nice you gave tips about books for each level's student. Books for fun and also get reading better.Other sugestions is write about professional texts. Things like how start and/or finish a formal/informal text.However everything in this blog is very interesting to me and makes me want read more and more.Regards.

  29. Hi Denilso, I´m of Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. I have much difficulty for reading your text, but i understand the content of text. A hug.

  30. Hello Denilso, I am from São Paulo – SPIt's been such a pleasure receiving your English tips every single day, it's been helping me a lot in my English language skills….well done…congratulations… Rudhy Faria

  31. Hi Denilso!!! I read from São Paulo – SP … I love your English tips ♥. 10x for them O/

  32. Hi Denilso! My name is Thiago and I'm reading your english tips from Campinas, SP, Brasil.Grangulations for your amazing blog and teaching.Tks,Thiago

  33. Hello Denilso!I read your tips from Criciúma – SC.Your blog is great for me because I can't to pay for an English course and your blog help me a lot of situations.Thanks!

  34. Denilso, I read your English tips from Itatiba/SP, but I'm from Belo Horizonte. Flávia.

  35. Hi Denilso, I'm reading your tips from Nova Petrópolis – RS. Congratulations for your amazing work. J.Henrique

  36. Hi teacher Denilso! I'm from Guaíba, RS. I like your tips, it's really helpful. 🙂

  37. Hey Denilso,My name is Thales and I'm reading you from São Paulo SP.Congratulations.

  38. Hi Denilson.I'm from São João Del Rei and it helps me a lot when I have to prepare my lessons. Thank you.

  39. Hi Denilso,I'm from São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais. I like your blog very much. I usually have a look at it before planning my lessons. Thanks for your help.

  40. Hi Denilso,My name is Alexandre and It's been a long time I read your blog. I like it a lot. Congratulations!Well, I am from Campo Largo (metropolitan area of Curitiba). I think that is all for now. Have a wonderful day. Yours faithfully,Alexandre Gamas.

  41. Hello Denilso, How are you doing? I have to admit that when I first ran into your blog three years ago I fell on deaf ears, a Brazilian-written blog about English was not exactly what I was looking for. At that time I wanted to break down boundaries and to do that I had to fall back on English native speakers.I was wrong, and now I recognize that were it not for all your amazing job,I would still be at the same place when it comes to improving my English.Thank to your hints, I now feel free to learn English without going crazy.God bless you! Fabian Ribeiro from Itu SP.

  42. Hi Denilso and guys!My names is Ricardo and i live in Belo Horizonte/MG – Brasil.I have been reading every day your posts and I have liked too much!Thank you!Ricardo Gomide

  43. Hey Denilso,I'm reading your blog from Gainesville, Florida, USA, but I'm from Rio. Your blog was very useful when I got here about 1 year ago and I didn't know how to speak one single phase in English… you helped me a lot!! Of course by living here my English improved, but you were essential for the beginning! And you're right when you say that English should be simple… Thank you so much for the tips!!Carol

  44. hey man!I live in Belém_PAI always read your tips It's very helpful.Thanks a lottake care!

  45. Hi Denilso!My name is Laryssa Michelle and I'm from Parauapebas, Pará!Love your blog!Please don't stop writting!

  46. Hi Denilso, I'm Tiago Scala from São Paulo. Your tips help me a lot in my daily work!

  47. Hello guy! I'm Fábio Ferraz from Suzano – São Paulo. My teacher of Yazigi school who recommended your blog, and I think this is a great one! C ya!

  48. Hi Denilso, I'm reading your tip from Porto Alegre. I love reading your tis and posted. It's amazing! Tks

  49. Hello Denilso, I'm Patrícia from Porto Alegre. Your blog is excellent!!!

  50. Hello Denilso, first of all, thanks a lot for all your hard working you have been doing. Your blog is very helpful indeed! My wife and I are following you on this blog and twitter since we were living in Campinas (2 years ago), but now we are living in London/UK and still making good use of your tips 😉 Thanks & Regards,Clelio de Souza

  51. Hello Denilso,My name is João Carlos, and I live in São Carlos – SP, central region of the state.I enjoy your blog very much.Bye

  52. Hi Friend.I'm Felipe, How are you? I'm from Belem do Para, but I've lived in Vitória/Es since 1998. I've never studied english before. Now I'm a student in the mind's school, and I love yours tips, they help me a lot. Thank you very much.Phil

  53. I am from Aracaju, Sergipe, the smallest state im Brazil, but a very nice place to live in. I just love yours tips.

  54. Hello Denilso, I'm reading your English tips from São José do Rio Preto/SPBye, have a nice week

  55. Hi there!I'm following your site since last year from Campinas – SP. Cheers,Alexandre

  56. Hey Denilso, what's up? I hope you're fine. I'd like to tell you that your blog is the nicest thing that happened in my life… i can't describe how positive it has been effective and helpfull in my classes. So, thanks for so many contributions!! From Itapuranga-Go-Brazil:)Fabrízia!

  57. HI.I'm Tiago and I read your tip from Divinopolis, MG..Thanks a lot for your advising..Byr for now…

  58. Hi Denilso,I'm from Americana/SP, your tips have help me a lot. Thanks!!!!! best regardsThiago NB

  59. Hi DenilsonMy name is Silvia and I'm from Mogi Mirim – SP.You should keep on writing your tips in Englih. It's a great opportunity for everybody to improve their english.You've been doing a great job. I love it!

  60. Hi Denilso,I live near Seattle Washington USA and I read your blog in order to learn Portuguese. É show de bola!- Kevin Cosley

  61. Hi, I'm from Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre. Thanks a lot for your tips!

  62. Hi buddy! What's up?I'm Fabiano from Cachoeiro de Itapemirim – ES – Brazil.Your tips are really amazing and helpful man.See yaFabiano

  63. Hi, My name is Regina and I live in São Jose dos Campos, São paulo, Brasil…Iam very happy recieving your tips in English or in Portuguese, it doesnt matter…thank you!!

  64. Hello Denilso!I'm from Maringá-Paraná and I just love your blog and your books! I bought both and I'm really looking foward to buy the third.I found out your blog guess 1 and a half year ago, and I come here to improve my knowledge, and I am very grateful for the texts, tips and knowledge that you share with us.Keep doing this great job!Hugs!

  65. Hi Denilso, I love the way you write your posts. Inglês descomplicado, as you would call it and I totally agree with it.Thanks for being there for all of us English learners. BTW, I'm Ira, from Itu.

  66. Hi Denilson, My name is Almir and I´m from Araraquara – SP. Keeping writing only in English. Best Regards!

  67. What's up guy?Your blog is relly amazing and helpful man. I started looking at it last year and since then, it has been increasing and improving my vocabulary a lot.Thank you for it.See ya;Fabiano

  68. Denilso,Tenho 50 anos e no início deste ano resolvi que iria estudar inglês, sozinha.E nessa empreitada encontrei o seu blog, desde então sou uma freqüentadora assídua, ou melhor, é você que freqüenta o meu email. Fiquei feliz pois consegui entender, com exceção de uma coisa ou outra, entender o que você quis dizer no artigo, isso lhe devo muito. Sou de Terezópis (RJ), mas há 40 moro na capital paulista. Obrigada por pensar em nós, iniciantes, e postar os artigos em português.Grata sempreMarina

  69. Hi Denilson. I read your tips from Vila Real, Portugal.Thanks, You've helped me a lot.Congratulations.Yours José.

  70. Hey Denilso..I'm reading you from Rio de Janeiro, RJeveryday I come here to see more tips that you write :Dgood job !

  71. Hi Denilso!I'm from America, SP.I've been studying English by myself for about two years. After a basic course in a England school in the past, I decided that if I study in accordance with my time and with my disposition, my income would be higher and costs infinitely less. That is what I do today.So your tips coming from videos, blog or comment on other blogs only enrich my learning. I'm happy with my choice and delighted with your job!Congratulations Denilson!Sincere thanks!A big hug,Estela

  72. Hiiii buddy i'm based in Recife, Pernambuco.And every day learning more and more with your tips.Thanks =D

  73. Hi Denilso,I've read your blog from Florianópolis-SC and it has been great because I've learned many things with your help. Congratulations for your job!

  74. What up, dude?I've been using your tips for a a long time.They're quite helpful.Anyway, I'm from Palmas-TO, Brazil.

  75. Hi, Denilson;I'm from São Paulo, and I read your tips every day, it help me a lot to improve my english.Thanks!

  76. Hallo buddy!!!I read your tips everyday from São Pedro do Ivaí – PR. I really like to read your tips.Keep doing!!!!

  77. I'm reading you from São Paulo, capital!Your blog is very useful, congratulations!

  78. Hi, Denilso. I follow you since 2008 and your tips have been very helpful. They are always very interesting and importand to help me to prepare my English classes. I live in Conceição dos Ouros- Minas Gerais. Thank you for all.

  79. I read everyday your post from Belo Horizonte – MG and it is very interesting all colocations and tips.Congratulations!!!

  80. Hello Denilso!I´m from Campinas-SP. I enjoy your blog.Congratulations!Hugs

  81. Hi Denilson!!! Are you okay?I'm from Lorena – SP!I adore your blog, it s very important to me!Congratulations and thanks!!

  82. Hey!I'm Daiane. I'm from Cianorte – Paraná. I have being reading your tips for a little while, but man, I couldn't imagine how worth it. I follow you on twitter and facebook too. I've found your blog by chance and I loved it! Congratulations!

  83. Hi Denilso, I'm talking from Pinhais, Paraná (near to Curitiba)! I found your blog by the lucky hahahah!bye!

  84. I found you when I was living in London, until one year ago. Now Im living in Rio de Janeiro again, and Im sincerely thankful about your tips : )

  85. Hey Denilso,first of all I'd like to say Congratulations, you're the guy….I read your tips from Sorocaba, SP. It helps me a lot.

  86. Hi, Denilso. I've been reading your tips since last July from Natal-RN, and I'm enjoying them very much.Congrats, buddy!

  87. hi Denilson, i'm reading your blog from Natal RN. I started a little time and i'm learning with you so much.thanks

  88. Hey buddy! I'm from Curitiba/PR. I like your tips very much! I've been follow you since 2008. I think you a greatest teacher!!! Hugs!

  89. Hi, Denilson. I am Roberto Williams. I am from Sao Gonçalo – RJ – Brasil. I would like to say I love your tips (they are really lessons) and I´ve been learning too much with them.

  90. Hi, Denilso.I'm reading your tips from São Paulo, SP.Congratulations!Thanks for all.

  91. Hey, Denilso. How are you?I'm reading this today from Terra Nova, Bahia. I'm really glad to have known this blog and I usually recommend it to my friends and colleagues. I learned many useful things here, specially because I'm studying to be an English teacher.Oh, when I was reading some of your posts yesterday, I asked myself when I would read you in English. Maybe you read my thoughts, because you wrote this post in English today. I found it really outstanding.Thank you very much.

  92. Just to see if we can "win" this one! lolI am also from Natal-RN!=D

  93. Hi Denilso, I´ve been reading your blog since this July. I´m from Guarulhos, São Paulo.Mari

  94. Hello, Denilso! I read your blog from Curitiba. Amazing and helpful tips. Congratulations!

  95. Hi Denilso, I'm reading you from Natal-RN. I've been learning with your tips since 2008.Thanks a lot

  96. Hi Denilso, I'm reading you since 2008, from Porto Alegre/RS/Brasil. Tks!

  97. Hi DenilsonI read you blog from Palotina – PRYour blog is very useful, I read it every dayI'm an English teacher and it helps me a lotThanks a lot

  98. Good afternoon teacher!!I'm reading your tips from Niterói – RJ.I improve my english with them.I bought your 4 books they help me a lot.Thanks for everything.Vera Abreu

  99. Hi Denilso, I'm from Várzea Paulista/SP. I've read you blog since 22/09/2008 when I knew this fantastic blog.I enjoy your books too. It's very good for me improve my English.Thanks you.ALMIR.

  100. Hola soy Alfredo vivo en este país a muchos años, yo he nacido en Bolivia, departamento del Beni en la provincia Mamoré, capital San Joaquin.Hoy vivo en Manaus, Amazonas.Hello, I'm Alfredo. I come from Bolivia, Nowadays I live in Brazil, Manaus, Amazonas. I love Brazil and I'm learning English, I want improve my English. Ok. Alfredo Tavares

  101. Hi Denilso! I'm from Recife/PE but currently I live in The Netherlands. I read your blog quite often to improve my English. As you might know, they speak Dutch over here. Although they also speak very good English (most of the population do, even the low-class), your blog and your books are still my primary source of studies since they are made for Brazilians.Thank you! (=Dankjewel)! Marcelo.

  102. Denilso, I read your English tips from Itaguaí – RJJosefa Pereira de Souza Oliveira

  103. Hey, Denilso what's up?I'm ready yo from Dr.Pedrinho S.C.Thank's for all!!! =)

  104. Hi Denilson,my name is Dorival ,im from Belem-Pa and i've read your tips since 2008,i really love your tips because they help me to improve my english's skills,thank u very much professor!!

  105. Hello Denilso, I'm from Curitiba I'm Growing togheter menber and I,m a teacher at state school.

  106. Hi Denilson!!!I'm from São Paulo, but I am studying english in London. I am gonna stay here until may/2011.Your tips are very usefull.Thank you

  107. Hi Denilso! I live in Oxford, England. This blog is terrific! Thanks for all tips!!!

  108. Hey Denilso. How r u?So, I'm from Balneário Gaivota – SCI'm 13 n I could read all the textu wrote. I am very happy about it Bye bye

  109. Heeey, Denilso! :)I'm from Recife – PE ( Manguetown )Thank you for all tips.. I always read them;

  110. Hello Denilson,I love read your tips and texts when I have time to do it. I am from Brazil. I live in Itaquaquecetuba, São Paulo.Thank you for your texts and great help!Marília Emerick

  111. Good Evening Dear Denilson,My name is Thiago Pereira, and I am writing from Belém – PA.I am a Medical Student, and I have studied English, at MINDS English School, since than January 2010, and I have learnt a lot here in your Blog.I would like to say that you need to continue with this wonderful Blog.Congratulations.

  112. Hi Denilso, I live in São José dos Pinahis and your tips are very important to me. Thanks Guy.

  113. Denilso, I read your English tips from Pouso Alegre, Minas Gerais.I love to read your material, because I always learn from them. See you tomorrow, God willing.

  114. Hello Denilso, How are you doing?I read your English tips from NATAL, RN.I would like to ask you if you do have teacher books for sell? Thank you!Andrea

  115. Hi, Denilson!I'm from Sapucaia do Sul – RS. Thanks a lot for all tips. They help me to improve my English and make me think about my way of teaching, too.

  116. Denilso, I read your English tips from NATAL, RN. I would like to ask you if you have teacher book to sell? Thank you.

  117. Hi Denilso. I read your English tips. By the way, I always read your blog. It's important to me because I study (curiously) this Language, and I think interesting.I'm from Natal – RN.Thank you so much.

  118. Heeey you.. :)I'm from Rio de Janeiro.. and I really like your tips, they are very usefull and fun! So fantastic 🙂

  119. Hi Denilson,I m from Londrina, but I m reading you from Guarapuava since I m living here. Unfortunately I couldn t take your last course in Curitiba, but I know there will be others…It s a pleasure read you erevey day!!!xx, Carol Filipak

  120. Hi Denilson! How are you? I wish you are pretty well!Well, I'm from São Paulo. I'm learning a lot from your blog.It's is great! Congratulations!

  121. Hi Denilso,I'm from Pato Branco and I like very much your blogAna MBM

  122. Hello Denilso! I'm reading your tips from Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Your blog is amazing. Since I knew this blog, I got great courage through this forum to develop and improve my ability and knowledge of the English language as a whole. I am very grateful to you by your dedication. Thanks for everything.

  123. Wow! 173 comments and there are more coming! I really loved that! I have people reading from places I've never heard about. People using the blog to learn either English or Portuguese. Ain't that amazing?Guys and Gals, you are the most special readers ever! I'm really happy about the comments, words, compliments, etc. I really loved reading from you today! It was really a wonderful thing!I hope you all keep reading me and suggesting stuffs! There's no words to say how thankful I am! You are all AWESOME!Take care!

  124. Hi Denilson, I'm from Santa Catarina but I am living in London. Congrats for your blog I really enjoy it.Susana

  125. Hi Denilso…My name is Danielle and I'm from Manaus-AM.I learn so many interesting things in your blog and your tips help me to improve my english!Thank you so much for everything!Congratulations, Denilso.You're amazing.

  126. Hi, Denilso… My name is Flávia and I'm from Itatiba/SP.Congrats!

  127. Denilso, I read your English tips from Lauro de Freitas, BA.Thank you for help me with your knowledge.

  128. Hello Denilson!!!I´m ANNA. I´m reading you from Recife PE, but I am originally from Belo Horizonte. I´ve just moved to Recife. I apreciate your English tips.Take care!

  129. Hello Denilso !!!Your blog is really helpful…I am an English teacher from Curitiba and I always tell my students about it.Thanks for all.

  130. Hi Denilso!I read your blog from Extrema – MG.I love it!Thank you for help us!

  131. Hello I´m from countryside Palotina – Paraná. I think your blog awesome, great job.Viviani N. Rogge

  132. Hi Denilso,Thanks for your precious tips.I am from Santa Maria, RS.Best wishes, Luciane

  133. Hey buddy! ;DI'm Carol from Rio Claro/sp.If you like 'pepper', leave me a message too. hahaha *kidding*I love your tips and books! I've always looked up to you =D I'm sure you know about that!Take care!

  134. Hey Denilson, I'm George, and i live in Fortaleza I Love you blog, thank U.God Bless you!

  135. Hey man!!I'm reading yours tips from Porto Alegre RS Brasil!Tank's for you spend your time with us!Hugs and peace

  136. Hi Denilson!I'm live in Marituba – PA, Marituba is a city near Belém – PA!Ah! I love, love your blog too much! m/

  137. Hi Denilson, my name´s Sandra and I read your English tips from São Paulo -SP.I´ve liked your blog very much!! It´s been very helpfulthank you for help us to improve our english!!!Hugs

  138. Hi!I'm reading your blog from São Paulo – SP, and I always read it. I also have your two books and I'm looking forward to buy the third.Thank you for the great job you've been doing, and so long!

  139. Hi Denilson, My name is Mauricio and i'm writing from Belém/Pa(near of your example Ananindeua rsrs).Ty so much for everything!Now i say: Take care^^

  140. Hey Denilso! :)I'm in Savonlinna, Finland.Thanks for all… I have learned a lot here.

  141. Hi Denilso,I'm from Minas Gerais, but I'm living now in Holland – Amsterdam. Thank you for your posts. Congrats! 🙂

  142. Hii Denilson!!!My name is Josirene i'm from Natal/RN but at the moment i'm living in London/England. I always read your tips. I think his method of teaching English fantastic e innovative.You are amazing!!!Thaks a lot.

  143. Hi Denilson, how are You. I used to read your tips and i´d like to say thanks for all.I´m from Sucupira do norte uma pequena, mais muito pequena cidade do Maranhão.. but as sad same writer.. minha terra tem palmeiras onde canta o sabiá……….. but nowdays Í live in Brasilia……see You ……

  144. Hello Denilson!!! My names's Volnei and I'm from Pouso Alegre – MG. I read your blog everyday!!! It's just great!!! Keep it up!!!

  145. Hi DenilsonI'm Nair Sanchez and I enjoy a lot reading your English tips. I'm here in Rio de Janeiro.Please keep on helping us improving our knowledge!!Kisses

  146. Hello, my name's Mayara and I read your English tips from Brodowski – SP, a place lost in the middle of the state.. rs. Thanks for all the hard work, helped me a lot in my English tests, I want to be a future English teacher someday. I love your blog so much! Thanks, xoxo

  147. Hi Denilso,I am from SP, but living in Varginha for quite some time. thanks for all your tips. congratulations!Anita

  148. Hi Denilso,I`m talking to you from Brasilia, where I read and appreciate your blog.Keep this way – helping people to improve their english skills – you`re doing a good job!Thank you a lot.Edvaldo

  149. Hello, I´m from Rio de Janeiro Nova Iguaçursrsrs I realy love the tipskiss

  150. Hello, DenilsonI'm from Juiz de Fora/ MG, but I live in São Paulo/ SP. I like very much your blog! Thank you. Raquel Corrêa

  151. Hi guys,I am a new one here, anyway, a I am from Londrina/PR but right now I am living in Campinas/SPBye

  152. Hi, DenilsoMy name is Luiz E. Faria, but you know me as Mr. Would do. I read your blog from Vila Isabel, Rio de Janeiro. And I really recommend it for all my friends.This is an excellent blog.

  153. Hey Denilson, I'm reading you from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Your blog is great.Congratulations!! Ney Caminha

  154. wow!tons of people!congratulations for the good job!i'm in Goiânia, Goiás.

  155. hi denilso, here you go with a follower from Blumenau- SC, Brazil!I read your post every day! They are excellent!bye, Mara

  156. Denilso, I read your English tips from Teresina, PISuas dicas me ajudam muito! vlw! fica com Deus.!

  157. Denilso what´s up? Actually we have to thank you for all your help! I read your tips from Monte Alegre de Minas MG (Triângulo Mineiro)

  158. Hi Denilso! My name is Carla and I'm from São Simão – SP.Your blog help me a lot. Thank you!!

  159. Hi Denilso, first of all i'd like to say thank you for help me. I'm reading your English tips from Belém-Pa, and I love it a lot. I really like your method (without worry about grammar), it's different and amazing.Thanks!

  160. Hi Denilson!! My name is Jean, I'm from Natal/RN, but, actually I read your English tips from Macaé/RJ.Your blog is very interesting!!Thaks for help us!regards

  161. Hi Denilson,I've reading you like more then a year and believe me you help me so much…I'm from Okinawa (Japan).Thank you so much!

  162. Hi Denilson, my mane is Anderson and i read your English tips from Lages – SC.Keep in touch.

  163. Hello Denilso!!!My name is Regina. I'm from Nova Russas/Ceará. I love your tips!!! Thank you for help us.

  164. Hi Denilson, my name is Matheus and I'm reading your post now from Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brazil!!!!!!!!!! keep posting these amazing tips for us as you've been doing! thanks sooooooo much!

  165. Wow… how many comments!I'm reading your blog from Itanhomi – MG (near to Governador Valadares), and I don't know when was my first here. I just kno that i really love the way you write and i come back here whenever I can… and to talk about… i have your both books, and also want to have the tird one. The firs I've read three times… it's so good. Thanks for write for us every day!

  166. Hi there, Denilso, I read your English tips from Salvador, Ba… here in our perfect country-Brazil!See ya,Joelma

  167. Hi Denilso, I'm reading you from Itatiba – SP. And thanks a lot to help me improve my english =)

  168. Hi Denilso,I'm from Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brasil.I read your English tips and they help me a lot, thanks!!! :DJoyce

  169. Denilso, I've read your english tips, from Belém – Pa. Congratulations, your blog is awesome.

  170. Hi Denilson, I follow you from Curitiba, Paraná.I really enjoy your blog!Cheers!Lucia

  171. Hello Denilson, my name's Henri. I'm from Paraiba – Joao Pessoa, but im exchange studs in France. Thank you for your help in my studies of english.

  172. Hi, my name is Jamisson and I'm from Areia Branca / SEI'm always around here reading your posts and learning from this great blog. See you.

  173. I'm from Campina Grande, I believe this is the first time I see the expression "x years and a half". At first, something didn't quite sit well with me; I thought people usually say "x and a half years".But I googled for "years and a half" and it turns out it is very common: almost 2 million occurrences. I just hadn't seen it before. (On the other hand, the string "and a half years" gets an overwhelming 13 million results).

  174. Hi Denilson! My name is Cristiano and I'm from São Paulo/SP. Your blog is really good anda help me a lot.Thanks.

  175. Well, It's been 3 months, I guess, since i found this blog and I read it everyday. It's really wonderful to see language as something we can use and understand withouth knowing and remembering all the rules. Total support to your blog. And I'm from Rio de Janeiro

  176. Hi Denilso, have you ever considered this: your blog is one of the best resources for an English speaker to learn Portuguese! Me, I'm a French reading your tips as a way to improve mine! And although I'm fluent in English I still learn a thing or two every once in a while which is great! Keep up the good work! (also can you write a follow-up post to tell us about the results? I'm curious, am I the only foreigner using it to study Portuguese?…)

  177. Hi, I´m from Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil!And I love so much your tips, thanks a lot!!!

  178. Hey. falks. I'm Edson OLiveira, I'm from Arapiraca/Alagoas. I've been enjoyed this site a lot.It's helped me so much.Take care!

  179. Heey Denilso! I read your tips from Campina Grande – PB, and it helps me A LOT!keep up the good workbbye 🙂

  180. Hi Denilson, I'm from Jundiaí but I've lived in São José do Rio Preto. I love your blog, it helps me to improve my English.xoxoxo!!!

  181. Hi Denilso, my name is Romulo and I read your English tips from Nova Friburgo – RJIt helps me a lot .Thank you Denilso

  182. Hi Denilso!!I´m reading your amazing english tips from Recife-Pe and it help me a lot of to improve my english. Thanks and keep going with your great job!!Don´t give up!!Abs Paulo sobral!!

  183. Hi, DenilsoMy name is Lucia and I read your tips from Belém, Pará. Really I have learned very much with your tips. Thanks a lot.

  184. Hi, my name is Jamisson and I'm from Areia Branca/SE I'm always around here reading your posts and and learnig a lot from this great blog. THANKS.

  185. Hi Denilson i'am from Teresina-Piauí thanks for all those tips you are the Man and all the best.

  186. Hi Denilso! My name is Gabriella and I read your blog from Santarém,PA 😀 Thank you, you help me a lot with it!!

  187. Hey friend! I am from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. A friend showed me this blog. I want to thank you Denilso, your tips have helped me a lot.God bless you always and forever!A big hug!Lila

  188. Hi Denilson! I'm Claudia, an Italian (from Tuscany) now living in Recife.Parabéns!claudia

  189. Hello !I´m reading from São José do Rio Preto – SP, Brazil.Many thanks for your lessons.

  190. Hi Denilson!I read you blog from Amambai, MS!Thanks a lot for this blog, it's been very helpful!!Btw, is it right: "at last but not least"? 'Cause I read in your post "Last but not least" without the 'AT'.Bye, see you!

  191. Hello Denilson!I'm from Amparo (SP), and I've found Inglês na Ponta da Língua a few months ago. The tips are fantastic, and I'm learning a lot with them!Kind Regards, Juliano

  192. Hi Denilson, I'm Junior and I am from Sergipe. My english was very good before I get to know your blog, but now it rocks!!! I mean, learnt one more creative, interesting and better way to enhance my English abilities. That's it! Thank you so much!!!

  193. Hello! I´m from Cabo Frio – RJ. I read your tips by e-mail and recently I bought your book. Thanks! 😉

  194. Hey mate Denilso!How are you doing?First I wanna congratulate you for yor blog, I really like it and I also recomended to some friends of mine. The way that you explain is absolutely straightforward!I read your posts from Dublin, Ireland.Kind regards,Sami Abrão

  195. hi Denilson o/I live in São José dos Campos – SPyour blog is marvelous!!I enjoy your tips n' books!God bless you man!IÐ'

  196. Hey Denilso,I'm from BETIM/MINAS GERAIS. You know you can always count on me!I remember when I was looking for some subject in English around one and half years ago, I didn't know anything yet and when I came across you and took a look at your blog for the first time, man, you really, really impressed me!I still have so many things to learn, but I'm sure you were the strength that I needed in that moment to start studying English. So this is more than a comment, it's my opportunity to tell you "Thank you so much".Wellington Lopes

  197. Hi Denilson, I'm William from Joinville-SC.Been using your blog since I started learning english, and it's awesome. Thanks

  198. Hello DenilsoIm enjoying reading your blog. I am reading you from Brazil. FYI, your expression in the above text: "Three years and a half later" is somewhat awkward and in English would more naturally be rendered:"Three and a half years later"Kind regards

  199. Hi Denilson, my name is Cássia, and I'm from Mogi Guaçu – SPThank you for all your tips!Congrats!

  200. Hi, Denilso.I really enjoy your posts. They're really useful for my own learning and to help my students to develop interest on the language. Today, I'm reading and writing from Salvador, Bahia.

  201. Hi Denilso! I looked for a while but i didn't find anyone from my city, I read your English tips from Corumbá. MS!Take care!Amanda Mondini

  202. Hi Denilson, I started reading your tips when I lived in Maracanaú, Ceará. Now I'm live in Ireland and I continue reading your tips.* I have a idea for you: how about give to us your tips in the two languages in the same post? For eg., you can write first in portuguese and bellow it in english. Or, you can put a link to those who want to read in English. Best wishes, Valesca

  203. HI Denilson, How's it going?I'm from Rio de Janeiro and I live in Paracambi. I have always read your tips, I really appreciate it.Keep up with this great work!!!God bless us all!!!!!

  204. How´s tricks, Denilso?I´m a real English language enthusiastic and I´ve been teaching it for over 10 years now.My name´s Sandro Dwarffy and I´ve been reading yor weekly posts and also forwarding my stds all the nice tips you share on your blog.I just love them so.Well, from Bangu, Rio de Janeiro-RJ.Have a perfect weekend!

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