Atividade: go easy on… (correção)

  • Go easy on Miguel. It wasn’t his fault.
  • You should go easy on me. I always help you!
  • I’ll go easy on her. She’s a nice girl and has never been into trouble.
  • The police officers didn’t go easy on us. They frisked us all!

4 Comentários

  1. Go easy on Michel.You should go easy on me.I'm gonna go easy on her.The policemen haven't gone easy on us.

  2. Muito bom!! Eu só esqueci do: "I'll" go easy on her, e do police "officers". Gosto muito deste site…tem me ajudado muitissimo.Valew!!

  3. Now a days I'm doing a Web Programer course but the teacher isn't going easy on me! buaaaa!because it's quite difficult.

  4. Hi teacher,Thanks going easy on us with your explanation, otherwise we didn't learn anything, many thanks about that! See you on the next class!!by

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