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“How can I say ‘sem comentários’ in English? I’ve always thought it was ‘without comments’, but I’ve heard it in a different way when watching a movie. So, what do you have to say about that?”

Well, the first thing to say is that in expressions like those, it’s not very common to use the word “without”. Of course it is more logical; however, who told you that a Language is used in a logical way! Take a look at these examples:

  • No ice, please! (Sem gelo, por favor!)
  • No money! (Sem dinheiro!)
  • No hard feelings! (Sem ressentimentos!)
  • No problem! (Sem problemas!)

I guess you’ve already noticed that “no” is the word which means “sem” in sentences like these, right? Ok! So, how about “comentários”? Is it “comments”?

The word “comment” has its plural in English; but in this expression it’s always used in the singular form. That is, we don’t say “no comments“! Please, don’t add an “s” to the end of the letter. In English, it’s enough to say “no comment!“.

Well, that’s it for today! See you tomorrow! Take care!
Dica de Livro: Quer uma gramática de inglês, escrita em português e com muitas dicas legais? Então, tenha a fantástica gramática do Nelson Torres “Gramática Prática da Língua Inglesa: o inglês descomplicado“. Com certeza uma super ajuda no seu inglês!

4 Comentários

  1. Hello again!One more time, I Loved.Desculpe se tiver errado, ainda estou no início do meu aprendizado, mas que agora está ainda melhor com os seus podcast.O de hoje em English ficou super legal, eu tenho lido em voz alta para treinar e agora vou poder comparar com a sua voz, AGORA VAI!!!Mais uma vez,Thank you, thank you, thank you.See you,Lygia

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