Not much today!

Hello everyone,

It’s 1:00 in the morning and I’m really tired. I just got home. Why? Because I traveled on business this weekend. Actually, I traveled last Wednesday to Porto Alegre. Then, I got a bus to Bento Gonçalves. I spent at about 7 hours in there. After, I got a bus to Frederico Westphalen, a town in the northwest of Rio Grande do Sul.

I arrived in Frederico, on Friday, at 2:30 in the morning. It was freezing cold, something around -2º Celsius (or minus, thermal sensation and everything). I stayed in there until Sunday morning, when, at 9:30 in the morning, I got a bus to Chapecó, and from there a plane to Florianópolis, where I, finally, got a bus back to Curitiba (home sweet home).

Well, at the International Airport Hercílio Luz, in Florianópolis, I had to take the picture that illustrates this topic. Can you see how many mistakes there are in this notice? Can you imagine an English language speaker arriving there and reading this?

Take a look at the sentence: “ATTENTION: Do not allowd children near the loggage belt“. The idea is to say: “ATENÇÃO: não permita que crianças se aproximam da esteira de bagagem”. However, they should have written like this: “ATTENTION: Do not allow children near the luggage belt” or “ATTENTION: Children are not allowed near the luggage belt“.

Inside the airport there is also a notice by INFRAERO where you can read “complains” instead of “complaints” (reclamações). I spotted some other mistakes but I stopped looking for them because I kept asking myself: “Come on, isn’t this an international airport? So, how about writing in proper English?”. Anyway, I hope they make some changes there. The sooner, the better!

See you tomorrow with something much more interesting. Take care!

7 Comentários

  1. *raxei* dentro do aeroporto?nossa, imagino um gringo chegando lá e lendo isso ;Danyway, adorei o post! e fiquei super feliz! Adoro ler um texto em inglês e entender tudo! [é que eu não cheguei no estágio considerado 'intermediário' ainda, sabe? então pra mim uma coisa assim é uma vitória!]o blog tá bom demaiiis!só não continuo lendo porque tenho que dormir um pouco pra trabalhar hoje o/mas assim que puder, vou passar por todos os postos! você está me ajudando a decifrar umas coisas que eu achava 'super confusas'! parabéns pelo trabalho o/

  2. Denilso,I'm far from excelling at the use of prepositions, but two particular cases in ur last post drawn my attention and I wanted to ask u if maybe u made a mistake or u just used forms I'm not familiar with.1st case: I spent at about 7 hoursWouldn't it be just I SPENT ABOUT 7 HOURS? Or both are possible?2nd case: I stayed in there. Couldn't it be just I STAYED THERE?Or, again, both are possible?The 2nd case seems more plausible, but the 1st one really got me confused.Looking 4wd to an explanation.Thx!

  3. Hey you came to my city, Chapecó. It's too late, but anyway welcome. About your post, I love when someone show mistakes in outdoors or signs, congratulations, I just hope that you cantact the airport administration and tell about this. Sorry my poor english.Portuguese nowVocê vai fazer a promoção do livro autografado denovo?

  4. ja fui mtas vezes para F.W. pq meu dentista era la auhauhahua

  5. Denilso, por um acaso vc assitiu a um vídeo no Youtube sobre uma núncio feito em "ingreis" no Aeroporto do Galeão no Rio de Janeiro?Um mulher lia no auto-falante uma mensagem sobre a gripe suína num dialeto inindentificável!! UhahahahahClássico…Se vc se assusta com o aeroporto de Floripa, não deveria pois acontece coisa muito pior no segundo maior aeroporto do Brasil.

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