Exercícios com Adjetivos e Pronomes Possessivos em Inglês

Antes de fazer essa série de exercícios com pronomes e adjetivos possessivos em inglês, recomendo que você leia e assista à dica sobre esse assunto publicada na página Adjetivos Possessivos e Pronomes Possessivos em Inglês.

Agora, se você já leu a dica e assistiu ao vídeo, então chegou a hora de colocar em prática o que aprendeu e assim verificar como está seu conhecimento em relação a este tema. As respostas estão no final do artigo.

Então, vamos praticar!

Exercícios com Adjetivos e Pronomes Possessivos em Inglês

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Para facilitar, use um caderno – ou folha de papel – e um lápis para responder esses exercícios com adjetivos e pronomes possessivos em inglês. Depois é só conferir as respostas e ver como você se saiu.

A. Reescreva as sentenças abaixo substituindo as palavras em destaque pelo pronome possessivo. Veja o modelo.

» This pen is my pen. (This pen is mine.)

  1. These seats are our seats.
  2. This laptop is his laptop.
  3. These books are their books.
  4. That pencil is her pencil.
  5. I believe this pen is her pen; it’s not my pen.
  6. He drives his car to work every day and I drive my car.
  7. Her bike was expensive but your bike was more expensive.
  8. You take care of your things and I take care of my things.
  9. Is this wallet your wallet or Carl’s?
  10. This phone is our phone; the one over there is their phone.

B. Escolha a opção que melhor completa as sentenças abaixo. Use apenas os Pronomes Possessivos.

1. That’s Jack’s car and this one here is ………..

a. my
b. myself
c. mine
d. me

2. I was on time for my class, but Susan was late for ………..

a. hers
b. her
c. herself
d. she

3. I found my wallet, but Joseph couldn’t find ………..

a. him
c. his
d. himself

4. So, you’re spending your next vacation in Italy. Great! We hope to spend ……….. in Greece.

a. our
b. ourself
c. us
d. ours

5. We have a TV set in our bedroom and the boys have another set in ………..

a. themselves
b. theirs
c. their
d. them

6. She has her own laptop and we have ………..

a. ourself
b. ours
c. our
d. us

7. He drives to work in his car and his wife drives to work in ………..

a. her
b. herself
c. she
d. hers

8. Give me your address and I’ll give you ………..

a. myself
b. mine
c. me
d. my

9. We really like our English language teacher? Do you like ………..?

a. yourself
b. your
c. yours
d. you

10. She brought her equipment. Did he bring ………..?

a. him
b. he
c. his
d. himself

C. Complete as sentenças com o Adjetivo Possessivo.

a. Michelle gave ……….. friend a book.
b. We’re going to meet ……….. friends at the mall.
c. Mike and Pietra are my neighbors. ……….. apartment is near here.
d. He has ……….. own ideas on such matters.
e. I left ……….. pen at home.
f. I know that guy but I can’t remember ……….. name.
g. They live with ……….. parents.
h. I saw Liz with ……….. husband at the party.
i. Thank you for ……….. email. I’ll get back to you soon.
j. Peter is a teacher, but ……….. sister is a nurse.
k. They have two children but I don’t remember ……….. names.
l. My sister plays volleyball too, but ……….. favorite sport is swimming.
m. Mrs. Silva lives in São Paulo but ……….. two daughters live in Vila Velha.
n. Put on ……….. coat when you go out. It’s very cold outside.
o. We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ……….. room is very comfortable.
p. I’m going to visit ……….. parents next week. I really miss mom and dad.

D. Complete as sentenças com pronomes ou adjetivos possessivos.

a. William lost ……….. pen. Will you please lend him ………..?
b. We naturally prefer ……….. methods and they naturally prefer …………
c. They think ……….. house is the prettiest on the block, and we think ……….. is.
d. Tell Nick to bring ……….. tennis racket, and don’t forget to bring …………
e. John enjoys his job, and I enjoy …………
f. I borrowed money from all ……….. friends, but Helen and Grace refused to borrow any from ………..
g. We spend ……….. money in one way; they spend ……….. in another way.
h. Dan is riding ……….. bike. Rebecca is riding …………
i. The children don’t like ……….. new school.
j. Cristina is with ……….. family now, and I am with …………

E. Marque a opção que melhor completa as sentenças abaixo.

a. Michael has ……….. books and I have ………..

( ) himself – my
( ) his – myself
( ) him – me
( ) his – mine

b. These are ……….. bags. ……….. is over there.

( ) us – yours
( ) our – your
( ) our – yours
( ) ours – yours

c. ……….. house is blue and ……….. is yellow.

( ) theirs – her
( ) them – her
( ) their – hers
( ) themselves – herself

d. ……….. Spanish is better than ………..

( ) her – him
( ) hers – his
( ) she – him
( ) her – his

e. I have ……….. car and my sister has ………..

( ) my – hers
( ) mine – her
( ) my – her
( ) mine – hers

f. This is ……….. wallet. Jack lost ………..

( ) your – him
( ) you – his
( ) your – his
( ) you – him

g. ……….. children went to Curitiba and ……….. went to Salvador.

( ) their – our
( ) theirs – ours
( ) them – us
( ) their – ours

h. ……….. bike is very old but ……….. is brand new.

( ) my – hers
( ) mine – her
( ) mine – hers
( ) my – her

i. This pen is ……….. and that one over there is ………..

( ) his – her
( ) his – hers
( ) him – her
( ) himself – herself

j. Of course she loves ……….. mother and they love …………

( ) hers – theirs
( ) hers – their
( ) her – their
( ) her – theirs

Respostas dos Exercícios com Adjetivos e Pronomes Possessivos em Inglês

Antes de verificar as respostas, reveja a atividade. Caso tenha ficado alguma dúvida, tente reler o assunto e fazer a atividade novamente.

Mas, caso você já esteja confiante de que está pronto para o resultado, então aí vai!


  1. These seats are ours.
  2. This laptop is his.
  3. These books are theirs.
  4. That pencil is hers.
  5. I believe this pen is hers; it’s not mine.
  6. He drives his car to work every day and I drive mine.
  7. Her bike was expensive but yours was more expensive.
  8. You take care of your things and I take care of mine.
  9. Is this wallet yours or Carl’s?
  10. This phone is ours; the one over there is theirs.


  1. c. mine
  2. a. hers
  3. c. his
  4. d. ours
  5. b. theirs
  6. b. ours
  7. d. hers
  8. b. mine
  9. c. yours
  10. c. his


  • a. Michelle gave her friend a book.
  • b. We’re going to meet our friends at the mall.
  • c. Mike and Pietra are my neighbors. Their apartment is near here.
  • d. He has his own ideas on such matters.
  • e. I left my pen at home. 
  • f. I know that guy but I can’t remember his name.
  • g. They live with their parents.
  • h. I saw Liz with her husband at the party.
  • i. Thank you for your email. I’ll get back to you soon.
  • j. Peter is a teacher, but his sister is a nurse.
  • k. They have two children but I don’t remember their names.
  • l. My sister plays volleyball too, but her favorite sport is swimming.
  • m. Mrs. Silva lives in São Paulo but her two daughters live in Vila Velha.
  • n. Put on your coat when you go out. It’s very cold outside.
  • o. We’re staying at a very nice hotel. Our room is very comfortable.
  • p. I’m going to visit my parents next week. I really miss mom and dad.


  • a. William lost his pen. Will you please lend him yours?
  • b. We naturally prefer our methods and they naturally prefer theirs.
  • c. They think our house is the prettiest on the block, and we think theirs is.
  • d. Tell Nick to bring his tennis racket, and don’t forget to bring yours.
  • e. John enjoys his job, and I enjoy mine.
  • f. I borrowed money from all my friends, but Helen and Grace refused to borrow any from theirs.
  • g. We spend our money in one way; they spend theirs in another way.
  • h. Dan is riding his bike. Rebecca is riding hers.
  • i. The children don’t like their new school.
  • j. Cristina is with her family now, and I am with mine.


  • a. his – mine
  • b. our – yours
  • c. their – hers
  • d. her – his
  • e. my – hers
  • f. your – his
  • g. their – ours
  • h. my – hers
  • i. his – hers
  • j. her – theirs

E aí!? Como você se saiu!? Conseguiu acertar mais de 80% das questões desses exercícios com adjetivos e pronomes possessivos em inglês?

Caso não tenha se saído assim tão bem, don’t worry! É só continuar estudando e praticando para ir se acostumando.

Lembre-se que está é uma atividade de gramática normativa. Ou seja, é só uma questão de decorar “regrinhas“.

Para você realmente se acostumar com isso ao falar inglês naturalmente com as pessoas, leva um pouco de tempo para o cérebro se acostumar.

Uma coisa é certa: se você fizer frases pequenas relacionadas a coisas do seu cotidiano com esses adjetivos e pronomes possessivos em inglês, seu cérebro começará a se acostumar e lembrar sem nenhum esforço.

Como diz o ditado, practice makes perfect.

Take care and keep learning!

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