Podcast: What are collocations?

Have you ever thought about collocations? Have you ever tried to find a precise definition of collocations? Why do you have to learn that? How do you learn that?

Well, if you keep asking questions about collocations, now you may find the answers. On this podcast, EFL/ESL teacher trainer Denilso de Lima will help you find out more about collocations and why learning them really matters.

You can listen to the audio file, clicking here; but, you also have the option below. We hope you enjoy this brand new Inglês na Ponta da Língua Podcast, which can now be found on iTunes.


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Seja fluente em inglês aprendendo collocations com o livro abaixo

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10 Comentários

  1. Muito bom! Consegui entender 80% de suas palavras. Isso porque o conteúdo tratado já foi absorvido(gradativamente pelos emails diários – brigadão!). Acho essa é uma boa estratégia: divulgar um assunto por um tempo e depois o trabalhar com podcasts totalmente em inglês.Thanks a lot,Gilberto

  2. What a gift you've given us!Seriously, i just loved it.I think that some teachers make a mistake when they (trying to simplify the stuff)say things like "Don't learn isolated vocabulary… learn the entire sentences". That's not the issue.Actually, it's deeper than it seems. We are supposed to know how the words fit with each other, how those language phenomenons (as you put it) work.. BECAUSE otherwise we are going to sound like that recorded voice at google translator. It's not a way of learning it. It's essential, in fact.Well… may i suggest you the upcoming podcast theme? I would like to hear more about sentence stress. I've watched a lecture (on youtube) from Judy Gilbert which has blown my mind away.Thank you, Denilso.

  3. Dear Anonymous,Thank you for your kind remark. Your suggestion will be taken into account. Actually we´ve already been thinking of creating something to talk about pronunciation and stress. Hopefuly it will be useful for you as well.Bruna Iubel.Equipe Inglês na Ponta da Língua.

  4. Parabéns, obrigado pelo feed, as dicas foram muito boas e o áudio também está legal.:)

  5. Hey guys, thank you so much for the feedback. It's really wonderful to have this kind of word. I must confess that I felt kinda nervous when deciding to go on with this podcast stuff. However, I guess we're on the right track now. We're even on iTunes now. So, I'm quite sure things are really gonna get better.Well, I have to say here – to our Mr. Anonymous – that I'm working on a sentence stress podcast right now. Actually, I've been looking for more examples and material to include in the podcast. So, I'm happy to say that next week it'll be published here on the blog. So, wait for it!That's it! Take care, you all. And once again, thank you so much for your feedback.:-)Denilso de Lima

  6. Dear teacher Denilso,
    I liked very much your podcasts. i would know if collocations and idioms or phrases mean same situations of study.
    Thanks for all and God bless you and all team.

    1. Hello José Alves, thank you so much for your words. There are a couple of texts here on the blog which mentions the differences from collocations to idioms to phrasal verbs. I recommend you make use of the search so as to find them. I'm sure you're going to like and learn a lot from them all. Take care! 🙂

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