Mais três sentenças para praticar

Seguindo a dica dada no dia 09 de janeiro de 2008, traduza as sentenças abaixo na área de comentários.
  • Só porque você não tem dinheiro, não que dizer que tem de ficar em casa.
  • Só porque eu não gosto, não quer dizer que tenho de comer.
  • Só porque eu não sei a resposta, não quer dizer que eu sou burro.

Agora é só esperar que em breve a resposta estará aqui!Have a nice day!

13 Comentários

  1. 1- Just because you dont have money, it doesnt mean you gotta stay in.2- Just because I dont like, it doesnt mean I have to eat.3- Just because I dont know the answer, it doesnt mean I am an idiot.See you guys..Take care!

  2. Just because you don't have money, it doesn't mean you have to stay in.Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean I have to eat. (?? It wouldn't be "Just because I LIKE IT, it doesn't mean I have to eat.")Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm dumb.Thanks for the tips DenilsoAnd have a nice day peopleTake care…..

  3. Hi Denilso,1. Just because you've not got money, it doesn't mean you've gotta stay in home.2. Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean I've gotta eat it.3. Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm a stupid man.

  4. Just because you don't have money, it doesn't mean you must stay home.Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean I have to eat.Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm a donkey.

  5. Just because you don't have money, it doesen't mean that you have stay home.Just because I don't like, it doesen't mean that I have to eat.Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean that I'm stupid.See you….

  6. Hello everybody! My sentences…Just because you have no money, it doesn't mean you have to stay home.Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I have to eat it.Just because I don't know what the answer, it doesn't mean I'm a stupid.Denise Bitencourt

  7. Just because you don't have money, it doesnt mean you have to stay at home.Just because i dont like it, it doesnt mean i have to eat it.Just because i dont know the answer, it doesnt mean im a dumb.

  8. It's my turnJust because you have no money, it doesn't mean you have to stay at home.Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean I have to eat it.Just because I don't know what the answer, it doesn't mean I'm a thick.

  9. Hi, Denilso1. Just because you don't money, it doesn't mean you have stay in.2. Just because I don't like, it doesn't mean I have to eat.3. Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

  10. just because you don't have money , It doesn't mean you have to stay home.Just because I don't like it, It doesn't mean I have to eat it.Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm a idiot.

  11. Oi,Agradeço pela correção das frases, foi perfeita.Thanks,Isabel

  12. Hi Denilso!!Just because you haven't money, it doesn't mean you must stay in home,Nessa segunda, achei que faria mais sentido se fosse "Só porque eu gosto, não quer dizer que eu tenho que comer" então, assim fica: "Just because I liket, it doesn't mean I must eat.Junt because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm dumb.Thanks Denilso!!Bye folk!!Take Care!!

  13. Just because you havent't, it doesn't mean you must stay at home.Just because I don't like it, it doesn't mean I haven't eat.Just because I don't know the answer, it doesn't mean I'm stupid.

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